I am getting this error when I try to install a query:
“type of ryr in the list is not consistent with other elements”
and it’s not entirely clear what this mean. ryr is a local variable of type UINT that is set in the ACCUM section using a custom UDF that returns a int64_t value. the UDF works according to the tests and also the LOG statements I have reporting the value.
Where things breaks, it is an INSERT INTO line creating a new edge - the two vertices do already exist (one vertex (D) is the one currently being processed by the ACCUM block; the other (V) has a composite key that is a string, a uint (the ryr value) and another uint)
(aString, ryr, rper), (d.myid, d.stringID, d.year, d.period)),
I have tried changing the type of the return value from the UDF to uint64_t but that doesn’t work. I added a line
INSERT INTO sourceVertexType VALUES (aString, ryr, rper)
before this just to see if things broke / new vertices were created and the compiler did not complain and the code ran. Only when the 2nd INSERT line is present do things break.
Is conversion to/from UINT and INT that fragile? Or something is off with inserts that I do not understand?
Should I:
a) do this creation of an edge in the post-accum block w/ this calculated value being stored for each destination vertex (D)?
b) explicitly fetch the vertex being connected from and use another form of INSERT INTO?
c) redo everything differently?