Weighted degree centrality algorithm

Unlike neo4j, TigerGraph doesn’t have “weighted” degree centrality algorithm where the degree can be calculated considering different weights on incoimg and outgoing links.
Can this be made available on priority?

As per @Szilard_Barany, ticket has already been raised for data science team, could anyone let me know the ETA, please?

@Jon_Herke @Parker_Erickson @Mohamed_Zrouga @Szilard_Barany @Dan_Barkus @Vladimir_Slesarev @Bruno

Question: even without a built-in function to calculate the weighted degree, couldn’t you achieve the same functionality by using an accumulator to calculate the weighted degree, using some attribute on the connected edges?

Something like this?

SumAccum<DOUBLE> @weightedDegree;
X = SELECT s FROM Source:s -(_>:e) - Target:t  ACCUM  s.@weightedDegree += e.weight;