Hello all.
Today, long-time running and tested queries fail in creating a new vertex of a specific vertex type.
The queries end running OK, as if everything works, including the return value, but a vertex of type “Helper” is not actually committed to the DB.
Other types are created as usual, including within one of these two queries (that creates more than just one vertex type) - only the “Helper” vertex is not created.
I’m saying two queries, as I have two queries tasked with creating a “Helper” type vertex, therefore I could confirm it is not any query-specific issue.
I can re-run the queries over and over again - it always behaves as if there is no such vertex in the DB (otherwise it would raise an error) - it is just silently not committing the vertex in the DB.
Exploring the graph I can see previously created “Helper” vertices - they are still there.
I cannot think of anything other than some bug that ate the wires this morning.
This is all experienced on the Graph Studio with tgcloud 3.4.0 on AWS - running the queries and inspecting the graph (with “Explore Graph”).
Here is the code of one of these two queries:
/* Create a Helper and "IsA" edge from keyPerson, update keyPerson role. */
EXCEPTION helperExists (40001);
STRING keyHelper;
regDate = NOW();
keyHelper = "H" + keyPerson.id;
//Check if Helper exists
start = {Helper.*};
vHelper = SELECT s FROM start:s WHERE s.id == keyHelper;
IF vHelper.size() > 0 THEN
RAISE helperExists ("Helper already exists for this person");
INSERT INTO Helper (PRIMARY_ID, status, totalInvitations, totalReplyYes, totalReplyNo, totalReplyLater, totalHelpMinutes, helperDate
keyHelper, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, regDate
keyPerson Person,
keyHelper Helper,
keyPerson.roleCode = 3;
PRINT keyHelper;
The “Helper” vertex is not committed.
Every time I run this query I get the keyHelper printed back - never the raised “Helper already exists for this person” error.
How can we check this to see what was broken today?