I have a mapping that I found a mistake in and I made a correction, cleared the data and reloaded… but the change does not show up in the graph.
Do I need to redo the whole mapping?
I have a mapping that I found a mistake in and I made a correction, cleared the data and reloaded… but the change does not show up in the graph.
Do I need to redo the whole mapping?
The procedure you described is correct.
I recommend you to check other places that are relevant to the incorrect data.
Also, it would be helpful if you can post the detail of this problem.
Hi Frank,
When you mention the change does not show up in the graph, do you mean the graph is reloaded from a previously saved exploration result before changing the data mapping?
Load Data
Run query, notice bad data (missing comma in csv file)
Delete data in Graph
Fix csv file
Reload data
bad data still shows in result of query
If I delete the data, bring in the data file again, delete the old one and remap the new one, it works.
Hello Frank,
Yes. In GraphStudio, the data is somehow cashed. I have faced this issue. after you corrected the file, you need to remove the old file and brows the file again into the mapping to reflect the changes. you need not add the file by the way.
I hope this helps.