Using empty value for LIST<DOUBLE> attribute

In my schema I’m declaring a vertex attribute of type LIST<DOUBLE> intended to store results of some calculation later on.
During data loading I want that attribute not being populated. How can I assign either an empty value or a zero length list to this? LIST() did not work.

@grizard Skipping an attribute: A LOAD statement can specify that a particular attribute should not be loaded by using the special character _ (underscore) as its attribute expression (attr_expr). For example,

LOAD TO VERTEX Person VALUES ($0, $1, _, $2)

means to skip the next-to-last attribute. This technique is used when it is known that the input data file does not contain data for every attribute.

  1. If the load operation is creating a new vertex or edge, then the skipped attribute will be assigned the default value.
  2. If the load operation is overwriting an existing vertex or edge, then the skipped attribute will retain its existing value.