Hi team,
I want to store accumulated value in vertex attribute. For example, let’s consider a Profile vertex with age attribute : Profile(PRIMARY_ID profile_id INT, age INT, dob DATETIME)
I want to calculate age of profile and then update the value in “age” attribute using below mentioned logic
CREATE QUERY calculate_age(/* Parameters here /) FOR GRAPH test {
/ Write query logic here /
SumAccum @diff_in_seconds;
SumAccum @age;
int seconds_in_year = 31557600;
start = {Profile.};
all_profiles = select s from start:s where s.profile_id<3 ACCUM s.@diff_in_seconds += datetime_diff(now(), s.dob);
all_profiles = select s from start:s where s.profile_id<3 Accum s.@age+= s.@diff_in_seconds/seconds_in_year
post-accum s.age = s.@age;
print all_profiles[all_profiles.dob, all_profiles.@diff_in_seconds, all_profiles.@age, all_profiles.age];PRINT “calculate_age works!”;
Output of first run:
“all_profiles”: [
“attributes”: {
“all_profiles.@age”: 41,
“all_profiles.@diff_in_seconds”: 1306684869,
“all_profiles.age”: 0,
“all_profiles.dob”: “1980-07-13 00:00:00”
“v_id”: “2”,
“v_type”: “Profile”
“attributes”: {
“all_profiles.@age”: 46,
“all_profiles.@diff_in_seconds”: 1462896069,
“all_profiles.age”: 0,
“all_profiles.dob”: “1975-08-01 00:00:00”
“v_id”: “1”,
“v_type”: “Profile”
“"calculate_age works!"”: “calculate_age works!”
Output of Second run:
“all_profiles”: [
“attributes”: {
“all_profiles.@age”: 41,
“all_profiles.@diff_in_seconds”: 1306684900,
“all_profiles.age”: 41,
“all_profiles.dob”: “1980-07-13 00:00:00”
“v_id”: “2”,
“v_type”: “Profile”
“attributes”: {
“all_profiles.@age”: 46,
“all_profiles.@diff_in_seconds”: 1462896100,
“all_profiles.age”: 46,
“all_profiles.dob”: “1975-08-01 00:00:00”
“v_id”: “1”,
“v_type”: “Profile”
“"calculate_age works!"”: “calculate_age works!”
I can see in the output that s.@diff_in_seconds and s.@age are being calculated correctly but value of attribute age is not getting updated. It remains 0 ,i.e., s.@age=41 but s.age remains 0 during the first run. If I run same query again, s.age becomes 41. I am wondering why attribute “age” doesn’t get updated with the value of “@age” in first run but it does get updated in second run. Also, I’ve seen that value of accum variable from previous run gets stored in “age” attribute of current run. How come second run of same query receives value from previous run? Looks like value calculated in accum variable is being cashed somehow.