I have started training module gsql 101. I’ve created all parts of the social graph. However when trying to run the load job it only populates the person node and errors out on the friendship edge node. Any idea of what is occuring?
Hi Andy,
Could you please be a bit more specific about the error you got?
I need to rephrase. I’m not loading any of the data. The following is what i get after running the load_social job:
GSQL-Dev > RUN LOADING JOB load_social
[Tip: Use "CTRL + C" to stop displaying the loading status update, then use "SHOW LOADING STATUS jobid" to track the loading progress again]
[Tip: Manage loading jobs with "ABORT/RESUME LOADING JOB jobid"]
Starting the following job, i.e.
JobName: load_social, jobid: social.load_social.file.m1.1593531474336
Loading log: '/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/logs/restpp/restpp_loader_logs/social/social.load_social.file.m1.1593531474336.log'
Job "social.load_social.file.m1.1593531474336" loading status
[FAILED] m1 ( Finished: 0 / Total: 2 )
|/home/tigergraph/friendship.csv | 0 | 0 l/s | 0.00 s | 0 %|
| /home/tigergraph/person.csv | 0 | 0 l/s | 0.00 s | 0 %|
@andymoore Can you provide what is happening with:
tail /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/logs/restpp/restpp_loader_logs/social/social.load_social.file.m1.1593531474336.log
Have you confirmed that the location of your file and that the loading job is grabbing the file from the correct path?
The example assumes that you installed TigerGraph in the default location, /home/tigergraph/
. In your installation folder is the main product folder, tigergraph. Within the tigergraph folder are several subfolders, such as logs, document, config, bin, and gstore. If you installed in a different location, say /usr/local/
, then you would find the product folder at /usr/local/tigergraph