Is it possible to select all the nodes that don’t have a relationship, within one query?
EG a one line query that does the job of:
allNodes = SELECT n FROM N:n;
nodesWithRelationships = SELECT nr FROM allNodes:nr-(MYREL)-OtherNodes
filteredNodes = allNodes MINUS nodesWithRelationships
Hi again Rene.
There is a vertex function called outdegree() , that returns the number of outgoing edges. If your vertex only has outgoing directed, or undirected edges, you can check for the outdegree of the vertices and select those with a return value of 0.
Here is the documentation for it : https://docs.tigergraph.com/dev/gsql-ref/querying/operators-functions-and-expressions#vertex-functions
create query queryname () for graph whatever {
Start = {ANY};
vSet = select s from Start:s
where s.outdegree() == 0;
If your vertex has incoming edges, you can use something like this :
create query queryname () for graph whatever {
OrAccum @visited;
Start = {ANY};
Start = select t from Start:s(:e)-:t
accum t.@visited += true;
vSet = select s from Start:s
where s.outdegree() == 0 and s.@visited == false;
This will effectively mark the immediate neighbors of every node. The second select checks for those with 0 outgoing edges, and also if they have been marked during our first select statement.