I’m running TigerGraph version: 3.0.0 and I created an Edge with a reverse edge, but it doesn’t show up in the Graphstudio. However it does show up in the gsql ls status:
Here is my defining gsql line:
CREATE DIRECTED EDGE hasApplication(FROM product, TO application, connect_version STRING) WITH REVERSE_EDGE="hasProduct"
Here is the Edge Types that was created:
- DIRECTED EDGE hasApplication(FROM product, TO application, connect_version STRING) WITH REVERSE_EDGE="hasProduct"
- DIRECTED EDGE hasProduct(FROM application, TO product, connect_version STRING) WITH REVERSE_EDGE="hasApplication"
"count": 1245,
"e_type": "hasApplication"
"count": 1245,
"e_type": "hasProduct"
But the GraphStudio Design Schema only shows the “hasApplication” EDGE that was defined in the gsql statement. And when I select an Application Vertex in the Explore Graph view, I only see the “hasApplication” link from the Product Vertex. Yes, the ‘hasProduct’ is selected in the settings on the Explore Graph view.
Any insights on how to enable showing the reverse edge in GraphStudio would be greatly appreciated
Kind Regards,
Hi Mitch,
Reverse edges are not shown/displayed in GraphStudio (i.e. you will not see ⇄ or ↔︎), but if you hover the cursor above the edge, you will see the name of the reverse edge in the popup details box, confirming is existence.
Reverse edges are handled transparently: when you upsert or delete an edge, the matching reverse edge will be upserted or deleted too. I guess, for more or less the same reason/concept, they are not explicitly displayed either.
Thanks Szilard for the explanation. I would like to suggest that you put an option in GraphStudio to display the reverse edges. One of the benefits is that it shows off TigerGraph’s powerful features. This feature is needed to help our Business Stakeholders understand the power of graph technology and why they should fund leading technology like TigerGraph.
Kind Regards,
Yes, I think a visual clue (at least a double ended arrow ↔︎ visualisation) would be more intuitive (and not very costly to implement). I am not sure about two edges/arrows, in some cases there could be too many edges between two vertices (e.g. one directed with reverse plus an undirected = 3 lines; not sure how frequent it is).
Nonetheless, I will check if this is on the “wish list”, if not, I will add a note for it.