Return IDs from both ends of an edge

Using the Covid sample graph, I’m trying to return both IDs from all “INFECTED_BY” edges. I’m looking for a simple list of two Patient IDs I can export. Below shows and example of what I’m trying to do:

CREATE QUERY get_all_infected_patient_edges(/* Parameters here */) FOR GRAPH MyGraph { 
  SetAccum<Edge<INFECTED_BY>> @@Ids;
  start = {Patient.*};
  results = SELECT s from start:s - (INFECTED_BY:e) - Patient: p
      @@Ids += e;
  PRINT @@Ids; 

Which returns JSON like this:

    "@@Ids": [
        "attributes": {},
        "directed": true,
        "e_type": "INFECTED_BY",
        "from_id": "2000000295",
        "from_type": "Patient",
        "to_id": "2000000211",
        "to_type": "Patient"

How can I return just the “from_id” and “to_id” attributes like this:

    "@@Ids": [
        "from_id": "2000000295",
        "to_id": "2000000211",
