im testing tigergraph cloud with the free tier service version 3.6.0 on aws right now.
Graphstudio is running fine but i wanted to experiment with the rest endpoints following the following instruction:
but im running into a timeout error. I’ve also tested the /echo and /endpoints?builtin=true endpoints, getting also a timeout error.
Does anyone know if the rest endpoints work on free tier and the 3.6.0 version?
Best Regards
In the logs ive found the following error
1 Log file created at: 2022/06/21 17:34:27
2 Running on machine: ip-10-41-34-214
3 Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
4 E0621 17:34:27.643867 10311 sys_utility.cpp:36] |Load Failed|/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/app/3.6.0/bin///TokenBank.so_RESTPP_1_1_w0.dir/1655832867643|/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/app/3.6.0/bin///TokenBank.so_RESTPP_1_1_w0.dir/1655832867643: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
5 E0621 17:36:16.733557 10344 gconfig_general.cpp:337] Graph thegraph failed to get end points. List endpoints files failed. rc:kNotFound
6 E0621 17:36:16.748160 10344 gconfig_general.cpp:337] Graph thegraph failed to get end points. List endpoints files failed. rc:kNotFound
7 E0621 17:36:16.793205 10344 sys_utility.cpp:36] |Load Failed|/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/app/3.6.0/bin///TokenBank.so_RESTPP_1_1_w1.dir/1655832976793|/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/app/3.6.0/bin///TokenBank.so_RESTPP_1_1_w1.dir/1655832976793: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
8 E0621 18:17:59.753623 10344 gconfig_general.cpp:337] Graph thegraph failed to get end points. List endpoints files failed. rc:kNotFound
9 E0621 18:17:59.762498 10344 gconfig_general.cpp:337] Graph thegraph failed to get end points. List endpoints files failed. rc:kNotFound
10 E0621 18:17:59.804224 10344 sys_utility.cpp:36] |Load Failed|/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/app/3.6.0/bin///TokenBank.so_RESTPP_1_1_w0.dir/1655835479804|/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/app/3.6.0/bin///TokenBank.so_RESTPP_1_1_w0.dir/1655835479804: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
For using the REST endpoints of a TG Cloud 3.6.0 box, you will need to use port 443 and the restpp endpoint. For example, querying the /echo and /endpoints endpoints would look like this:
curl -X GET 'https://tg_subdomain.i.tgcloud.io:443/restpp/echo' -H "Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_TOKEN_HERE"
curl -X GET 'https://tg_subdomain.i.tgcloud.io:443/restpp/endpoints' -H "Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_TOKEN_HERE"
thanks for the comment, they work. Im wondering tough how the endpoint looks like to request a new bearer token. In the docs the following command is given but doesnt work
curl -X POST https://example.i.tgcloud.io:9000/requesttoken -d '{"secret": "n35lsqofc1if62fld2rmnb9hocqbh8ia", "lifetime": "100000"}'
curl -X POST https://tg_host.i.tgcloud.io:443/restpp/requesttoken -d '{"secret": "secret_string", "lifetime": "100000"}'
The middle URL should have worked (at least, it’s working for my solution); could you try using the above commands, and if it still doesn’t work, I’ll ask the team to help diagnose what’s happening.
@Phan What error are you getting with Postman? Is it giving you a 505 Bad Gateway? If yes you might have to delete your cookies. I’m currently putting together a new postman collection with every possible endpoint for TigerGraph Cloud (post June 20th port changes). I’ll attach the collection here after I finish it.
@Phan If you’re free today we can jump in a call on Discord TigerGraph. Just let me know when works for you. I also ran into 505 Bad Gateway as well. I ended up disabling a setting in Postman.
I cleared the cookies by clicking the x on my instance URL.