Minor thing.
In Built-in Endpoints :: TigerGraph DB it says:
This endpoint returns a list of the installed endpoints and their parameters.
To include one or more of the endpoint types in the output, include the endpoint type in the parameter query string and set its value to true. If no type parameters are provided, all endpoints are returned.
Yet, when using /endpoints call I see the following description:
"GET /endpoints/{graph_name}" : {
"parameters" : {
"builtin" : {
"default" : false,
"max_count" : 1,
"min_count" : 0,
"type" : "BOOL"
"dynamic" : {
"default" : false,
"max_count" : 1,
"min_count" : 0,
"type" : "BOOL"
"graph_name" : {
"default" : "",
"max_count" : 1,
"min_count" : 0,
"type" : "STRING"
"static" : {
"default" : false,
"max_count" : 1,
"min_count" : 0,
"type" : "BOOL"
The returned description claims the defaults are false.