Hi, i am having issue when loading the data to the tigergraph cloud from the google colab.
I initially uploaded data into my google colab using the following command and I can see the file contents
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()
when i try to source the file to the tigergraph load job it failed with an error. Can you tell me what is the correct syntax.
dataSource = “/content/ncvr_numrec_1000000_modrec_2_ocp_20_myp_0_nump_5.csv”
results = conn.gsql(’’’
RUN LOADING JOB load_voters USING MyDataSource="’+dataSource’"
Semantic Check Fails: File or directory ‘dataSource’ does not exist!
Semantic Check Fails: The FILENAME = ‘m1:dataSource’ is not in a valid path format.