The query below worked in v3.5.3 but no longer works in v3.6.0. The query was called using POST passing JSON-encoded body in the following format:
const jsonObj = {
'id': '934',
'postType': 'Electronics',
'title': 'Mac Mini',
'description': '3 years old',
'timestamp': '1657048142' // Unix Epoch Time
CREATE QUERY addPost(STRING id, STRING postType, STRING title, STRING description, DATETIME timestamp) FOR GRAPH Social SYNTAX V2 {
// All Post vertex attributes are STRING except timestamp is type DATETIME
INSERT INTO Post (PRIMARY_ID, postType, title, description, timestamp) VALUES (id, postType, borrow, title, description, timestamp);
PRINT 'success';
In v3.6.0 I get the following error. Tried passing an integer instead of string and still got the same error.
“error_: unexpected error runtime error: cannot update (2) the attribute ‘timestamp’ in vertex ‘post’ (expected: int, given: udt)\n”
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?