I have created the following interpreted query via graph studio:
INTERPRET QUERY (Vertex<Diagnosis_test> d) FOR GRAPH graphName { SetAccum @@edgeset; SumAccum @cnt = 0; diag = {d}; L1 = SELECT a FROM diag-(hasDiagnosis_Test:z)->Claims_test:a LIMIT 5; L2 = SELECT b FROM diag-(ref_prvdr_diag_specialist_in_Test:y)-REF_PRVDR_TEST:b ACCUM @@edgeset+=y LIMIT 5; L3 = SELECT c FROM L2-(hasRefProvider_Test:x)->Claims_test:c ACCUM @@edgeset+=x; PRINT L3, @@edgeset;}
And this works just fine in GraphStudio, I am prompted to input a param and when I do, I am given results back and a graph visualization and valid JSON, however, with pyTigerGraph I am trying the following:
conn.runInterpretedQuery(“INTERPRET QUERY (Vertex<Diagnosis_test> d) FOR GRAPH graphName{ SetAccum @@edgeset; SumAccum @cnt = 0; diag = {d}; L1 = SELECT a FROM diag-(hasDiagnosis_Test:z)->Claims_test:a LIMIT 5; L2 = SELECT b FROM diag-(ref_prvdr_diag_specialist_in_Test:y)-REF_PRVDR_TEST:b ACCUM @@edgeset+=y LIMIT 5; L3 = SELECT c FROM L2-(hasRefProvider_Test:x)->Claims_test:c ACCUM @@edgeset+=x; PRINT L3, @@edgeset;}”, params={“d”:“D12”})
As you can see I have the params parameter in a dict format as the docs clearly state I can use but I end up with the following error:
(‘Failed to convert Diagnosis_test vertex id for parameter d’, ‘GSQL-2500’)
Not sure why there would be this discrepancy as the Queries are written exactly the same and the input of D12 in GraphStudio works perfectly