To explain my requirement, let’s take the following example.
Let there be 3 entities
User - (used) - Device
User - (occurred) - Event
Now I want to get all users, device and event combinations for which some conditions are true. The query for this in Cypher is below
MATCH (u:User)-[occ:occurred]-(ev:Event), (u:User)-[ud:used]-(d:Device) WHERE
RETURN u,ev,d
This returns each combination of user, event and device for which conditions are true.
The conditions can be dynamic and can contain AND/OR grouping.
How can I achieve this in GSQL?
Hi Raghav,
Thanks for your question.
For dynamic condition evaluation please follow this link
To return each combination, we can store the vertex in a MaxAccum.
So, in the end, your query would look like this (pseudo code, I didn’t test it):
CREAT QUERY q1 (string cond1, string cond2) FOR GRAPH graph1 {
MaxAccum @event, @device;
users = {User.*};
users = select s from users:s-( occ:occurred )-:t
where evaluate(cond1, "bool")
accum s.@event += t;
users = select s from users:s-( ud:used )-:t
where evaluate(cond2, "bool");
accum s.@device += t;
print users;
Please be noted that evaluate() is slower than normal expressions. Also, another option for the dynamic condition is interpreted query.
Hi Xinyu Chang,
Thanks for the reply.
CREAT QUERY q1 (string cond1, string cond2) FOR GRAPH graph1 {
MaxAccum @event, @device;
users = {User.*};
users = select s from users:s-( occ:occurred )-:t
where evaluate(cond1, "bool")
accum s.@event += t;
users = select s from users:s-( ud:used )-:t
where evaluate(cond2, "bool");
accum s.@device += t;
print users;
This query gives me users for which cond1 AND cond2 are true. what if I want where cond1 OR cond2 is true?
I will have additional entities like Event-(has)-EventDetails and my condition could be on any entity.
I may receive an expression, where conditions are not separated by paths, like
(Device.name == “one” OR Event.name == “event_1”) AND (Device.name == “two” OR EventDetails.location == “US”)
So how do I get users for which above is true?
I even thought of creating a pattern like
User:u1 - (used) - Device - (used) - User:u2 - (occurred)- Event:e-(occurred)-User:u3 Where u1.primary_id=u2.primary_id AND u2.primary_id=u3.primary_id and ( condition expression )
but the query throws an error.