List of all "REST-XXXX" codes possible for "code" in response

I looked through the documentation and didn’t see this defined anywhere. Specifically trying to find the list of all “REST-XXXX” codes like “REST-1000”, “Endpoint is not found from…”.

@rpguidr Just took a look at the docs and I can see that it needs to be updated. In the meantime here are the ones I know about. Hope this helps a bit:


REST-0000: Query returned OK inside RESTPP
REST-0001 ~ REST-0999: Success Operation on the RESTPP side providing more details than just OK in RESTPP

Code | Meaning [Detailed Info]

REST-0000 | OK [Query Returned Normal]
REST-0001 | vertex updated
REST-0002 | edge upserted
REST-0003 | vertex & edge upserted
REST-0004 | No Modified, Empty Returned [No results found]
REST-0010 | Partial Result due to LIMIT clause
REST-0011 | Radom Results returned

REST 1000 ~ REST-1999: invalid Endpoint error message

REST 1000 | endpoint does not exist
REST 1001 | deprecated endpoint
REST 1002 | not a valid endpoint for the current user
REST 1003 | query could not run because of no graph schema
REST 1004 | graph name parsed from URL cannot be found
REST 1005 | query could not run due to disabled

REST 1100 | missing parameters
REST-1101 | invalid parameters
REST-1111 | inconsistent parameter type
REST-1112 | invalid parameter range

REST-2000 ~ REST-2999: payload errors

REST-2000 | invalid String payload
REST-2001 | invalid JSON payload
REST-2003 | invalid value type in payload
REST-2004 | invalid vertex type in payload
REST-2005 | invalid edge type in payload

REST-3000 ~ REST-4999: RESTPP general errors

REST-3000 | TIMEOUT set by header [query timeout]
REST-3001 | TIMEOUT set by builtin Endpoint
REST-3002 | TIMEOUT set by System

REST-3100 | GSQL Server Busy
REST-3101 | Invalid input secret
REST-3102 | Failed to upload token to DICT

REST-5000 ~ REST-5999: External Connection related errors

REST-5000 | invalid file path
REST-5001 | bad characters in source file

REST-5100 | Kafka connection error
REST-5101 | invalid Kafka topic

Awesome, exactly what I was looking to find. Thank you very much.

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@rpguidr All codes now published