Jan. 17th - 21st Weekly Updates: JPMC Graph Engineer Job Postings, Visual Query Builder, GraphQL Testers Needed, and More!

Hi, @TigerGraph_Community!

Here’s your weekly round-up of videos, blogs, events, and much more!

:computer: Job Openings

JPMC is looking for (TigerGraph) graph engineers!

USA - Multiple Locations

India - Hyderabad

:video_camera: Latest How-To Videos

Visual Query Builder Demo

In this 43-video series, learn how to build visual queries for several different graphs—including movie recommendation and fraud detection graphs—using GraphStudio’s Visual Query Builder feature.

:writing_hand: Latest Blogs

Graph and Graph analytics became a trend in 2021 :rocket: You want to know more :fire:?
Learn the basics of graph technology and the direction of the graph industry in this blog post by Ahlem Mustapha.

:mega: Events


[Jan. 30 - Feb. 1] The Global CDAO
In this conference, check out the presentation by Dan Eaton. The conference intends to bring together the data & analytics community to learn, connect and benchmark together, all while continuing to offer unmatched live speaker presentations from leading data & analytics executives.

:bar_chart: Cool Data Sets

Breast Cancer Dataset
What characteristics do malignant and benign breast cancer have in common? Create a cancer graph to pinpoint factors and gain graph-powered insights into the data.

Top 1000 Highest Grossing Movies
How do the top movies relate? What are some characteristics common in a successful movie? Create a grossing movie graph—maybe adding a Plotly Dash dashboard to visualize the data—to figure out!

Customer Reviews on Second Hand Clothing Stores
Planning to buy some second-hand clothes? Create a graph to analyze different qualities based on ratings. While you’re at it, use the visual query tool in GraphStudio to extract data from your graph via queries.

:hammer_and_wrench: Product Updates

GraphQL is looking for more testers. Feel free to share feedback here!

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