Hi Team,
We wanted to use jaccard similarity for one our use case. Tried replicating it on sample data set(movie graph) as mentioned from link https://docs.tigergraph.com/graph-algorithm-library/similarity/jaccard-similarity-of-neighborhoods-single-source and https://github.com/tigergraph/gsql-graph-algorithms but not able to do it. I feel the documentation on algorithms is not clear as that of accumulators and other topics. Can you please guide me to a link or place where it explains 1) why query CREATE QUERY tg_jaccard_nbor_ss (VERTEX source, STRING e_type, STRING rev_e_type,
INT top_k = 100, BOOL print_accum = TRUE, STRING similarity_edge_type = “”, STRING file_path = “”) takes rev_e_type instead of saying rev_e_type is reverse edge 2) Sample data set and schema on which tg_jaccard_nbor_ss can be ran.