Issue in loading the export file using Developer Version

The schema is not getting loaded when the solution is imported to the tigergraph. Not able to run the schema from the gsql also.

It is giving a list with following types of errors:

Semantic Check Fails: The vertex type Assignment does not exist in the graph MERCURY_V1

The job load_job_Assignment could not be created!

Later on when tried to create a new graph using graphstudio then also the graph is not getting created.

Please let me know what needs to be done inorder to

Hi @jahnavi,

welcome to our community.

What error do you get when loading the DDL using gsql ?
What is the version of TigerGraph and what kind of deployment are you running (virtual machine, docker, …)?


Hi @Bruno,

What error do you get when loading the DDL using gsql ?
Trying to add edge NotConflictsWith.
Kick off job schema_change_job_j8WE1
Fail to run job schema_change_job_j8WE1, nothing changed.
The job schema_change_job_j8WE1 is dropped!
Semantic Check Fails: The vertex type BusinessEntity does not exist in the graph MERCURY_V1
The job load_job_BusinessEntity could not be created!

What is the version of TigerGraph and what kind of deployment are you running (virtual machine, docker, …)? v 3.0, docker

Can you please show us your catalogue?
Log into gsql and type the ls command in the prompt.