Is 3.1.3 an even number cluster

Is 3.1.3 an even number cluster

My assumption 3.1.3 is referring to the version of the TigerGraph Database. You can choose to run a single node or x node cluster.

I have three servers. I can successfully set up a cluster on any two of the three servers, but when I try to set up a cluster on three servers, I get an error:[ Error] Incomplete (The StartExecutable cmd execution gets error in instance EXE_3; The post-action(KAFKA#3:checkBrokerIds) of executable KAFKA#3 return exitCode 4; Incomplete (The StartExecutable cmd execution gets error in instance EXE_2; The post-action(KAFKA#2:checkBrokerIds) of executable KAFKA#2 return exitCode 4); Incomplete (The StartExecutable cmd execution gets error in instance EXE_1; The post-action(KAFKA#1:checkBrokerIds) of executable KAFKA#1 return exitCode 4))
Check the Kafka log and find this error message:[2021-07-28 19:38:53,335] INFO jute.maxbuffer value is 4194304 Bytes (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocket)
[2021-07-28 19:38:53,340] INFO zookeeper.request.timeout value is 0. feature enabled= (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2021-07-28 19:38:53,341] INFO [ZooKeeperClient Kafka server] Waiting until connected. (kafka.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient)
[2021-07-28 19:39:13,366] INFO Opening socket connection to server Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2021-07-28 19:39:13,371] INFO Socket connection established, initiating session, client: /, server: (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2021-07-28 19:39:13,380] INFO Session establishment complete on server, sessionid = 0x3003b72a01d0001, negotiated timeout = 18000 (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
What caused this problem and how can I solve it

I reinstalled tiger3.1.0 clustered on the new three servers, and after rebooting Tiger, the viewing services were all online.But when I change the timeout time from 16 s to 3600 s (gadmin config set RESTPP. Factory. DefaultQueryTimeoutSec 7200) and restart after throwing the error:[ Error] Incomplete (The StartExecutable cmd execution gets error in instance EXE_3; The post-action(KAFKA#3:checkBrokerIds) of executable KAFKA#3 return exitCode 4;
I want to know what caused this and how to solve it.I am looking forward to your reply very much.