After I set up TG Enterprise 3.0, the command directory /tigergraph/app/cmd is set to only allow access by the user “tigergraph” (see the permission below). This leads to my question as in the subject: how are other users (Linux users) on the same server supposed to use this installation if they can’t access the cmd directory?
drwx------ 2 tigergraph tigergraph 4096 Jan 24 10:12 /scratch/tigergraph/app/cmd
The preferred ways for end users and apps to communicate with TigerGraph is GraphStudio and REST API, and probably remote GSQL (although effectively these all are REST API communications). The server/host on which TigerGraph server is running is better be not used by end users; only by sysadmins/DBAs, for maintenance tasks.
In case of data pipelines, I guess a different Linux user would be used to upload files to a specific directory where TigerGraph could access them, but then to kick off the loading jobs, either a local cron or equivalent (under tigergraph user) would be used, or they would be started via the REST API. In any case access to local gsql would still not be necessary by other Linux users.