TigerGraph commits to adding openCypher support within its flagship GSQL graph query language. Initially, the openCypher support will be available through the openCypher translation tool. In 2023, the openCypher support will be integrated directly into the TigerGraph database, as part of GSQL V3. Users already familiar with openCypher will be able to more easily and quickly take advantage of the superior performance and scalability of TigerGraph’s native parallel graph database engine.
Jon, I suppose OpenCypher will only partially be implemented or only partially be equivalent to GSQL, is there some more in-depth documentation on this?
@Swa You are correct. OpenCypher doesn’t support all the advanced features of the GSQL language (ex: ACCUM and POST-ACCUM). Let me check in with the internal team to see if they have any pre-release documentation on the Open-Cypher language support.
Also, another thing to note is in roughly a year, the Graph Database Market will also support GQL. This is the ISO committee that designed SQL. https://www.gqlstandards.org/