How to find PostCode with in given radius using the latest data

First I was not able to find the example from the Graph Gurus Episode 8: Location, Location, Location - Geospatial Analysis with a Native Parallel Graph Database

My first question are how do you get the latest data within TG schema. The second question is to calculate and find the people within the given post code and radius within TG GSQL and rank them based on the distance from given postcode.

My final question is that when you have high volume of data recorded, what are the best approach to pull the newest data to find the people in given postcode and radius and rank the people based the distance. will I need kafka or other MQ systems?


Graph Gurus Episode 8: Location, Location, Location

My first question are how do you get the latest data within TG schema.

1) Download

2) You will want to grab the file called solution.tar.gz
3) Import this into your graph database using import an existing solution

**4) Add the data files from your download into your solution. Look for the “Map Data To Graph” and click the “+” file option

The second question is to calculate and find the people within the given postcode and radius within TG GSQL and rank them based on the distance from given postcode.

The video covers this. Is there a certain aspect of the video that is hard to understand?

My final question is that when you have high volume of data recorded, what are the best approach to pull the newest data to find the people in given postcode and radius and rank the people based the distance. will I need kafka or other MQ systems?

Kafka is a common tool used to stream data into TigerGraph. Instructions for Kafka Loading can be found here: