Version: Developer Edition
I followed the instructions of TigerGraph Docs: admin faqs.
The default port for the GraphStudio UI is 14240. (Prior to TigerGraph 1.2, it was 44240.) Use the following to check its configuration:
gadmin --dump-config |grep gstudio.web.port
and found nothing
In my system, there are only these ports as follows:
[tigergraph]$ gadmin --dump-config | grep port
admin.port: 12471
admin.portal.websocket.private_port: 14243
dictserver.base_ports: '17797'
gpe.base_port: 7500
gse.base_port: 6500
gse.rls_port: 8900
gsql.server.private_port: 8123
gstudio.web.private_port: 14242
gstudio.websocket.private_port: 14241
ha.virtual_port: 9001
kafka-loader.base_port: 9500
kafka.port: 30002
nginx.port: 9000 14240
redis.port: 6379
restpp-loader.base_port: 8500
restpp.base_port: 5500
restpp.http.port: 10000
restpp.port: 9000
security.ldap.port: 389
ssh.port: 22
zk.port: 19999
So, I changed the to 80 via gadmin --configure port
and gadmin config-apply
to apply it. Then restart: gadmin restart -fy
It did not work!