How download old version(3.2.2)

how download old version(3.2.2)

Hi @feiren ,

Please contact the TigerGraph support team, and also please let us know if you are a current customer using TigerGraph.

Ideally, we’d want users to move to the more recent versions of TigerGraph (version 3.9.3 as of 20 March 2024), and our policy right now is not providing older versions to new users (e.g. versions that are not on this page:

Supawish Limprasert (Jim)

Hi @Jim_Limprasert , I’m commenting on this thread as it relates to my issue.
I’m currently a customer of TigerGraph and would like to upgrade from 3.5.1 to the latest version.
According to the upgrade manual: Upgrading an Existing Installation :: TigerGraph DB
I should first upgrade 3.5.1->3.5.3 and only afterwards 3.5.3->3.10.1
However 3.5.3 is not available in the download page.
Can you either modify the upgrade manual or send me a download link?

Hi @alonharell,

Please contact the TigerGraph Support team in that case. If you are a current customer of TigerGraph, you should have access to the Zendesk platform, so I suggest sending in Zendesk ticket for that.

Supawish Limprasert (Jim)