I have a query that requires SET parameters for a NOT IN where clause. I’m having problems with sending that through pyTigerGraph. For instance the simple query
CREATE QUERY test_passing_parameters(SET<string> params) FOR GRAPH plustoken {
/* Write query logic here */
PRINT params;
from the GSQL client works as expected:
GSQL > run query test_passing_parameters(["hola", "mundo"])
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 2,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [{"params": [
But that same query sent through pyTigerGraph:
conn.runInstalledQuery("test_passing_parameters", params={"params": ["hola", "mundo"]})
returns a list of a single string:
[{'params': ["['hola', 'mundo']"]}]
What is the right format for sending SET parameters in Python?