There are 500000 company names as input and the name is the ID of the vertex Company.
Then I did some tests.
CREATE QUERY test1(Set<vertex<Company>> name) FOR GRAPH TEMP{
start = {name};
print start;
CREATE QUERY test2(Set<string> name) FOR GRAPH TEMP{
start = to_vertex_set(name, "Company");
print start;
# all names were written in a file
CREATE QUERY test3(string input_file) FOR GRAPH TEMP{
@@start = {LOADACCUM(input_file,$0,",",false)};
start = {@@start};
print start;
QUERY1 takes about 14s;
QUERY2 takes about 14s;
QUERY3 takes about 7s;
It still takes too long to complete the query.Why QUERY1 and QUERY2 are slower than QUERY3, How can I speed up the query?