I can print all the vertices even if they have different types:
CREATE QUERY allvertices() FOR GRAPH gr1 SYNTAX v2 {
allVertices = {ANY};
PRINT allVertices;
if I try the simpliest query to see all edges
allVertices = {ANY};
allEdges = SELECT e
FROM allVertices:s - (:e) - allVertices:s2;
PRINT allEdges;
I have error
Type Check Error in query qc2_alledges (TYP-8017): line 8, col 15
no type can be inferred for SELECT e
FROM allVertices:s - (:e) - allVertices:s2
Even if I try to see only one edge, I have the same problem
CREATE QUERY qc2_edges() FOR GRAPH social SYNTAX v2 {
allVertices = {vertexname.*};
allEdges = SELECT e
FROM allVertices:s - (edgename:e) - person:s2;
PRINT allEdges;
Is there a simple way in gsql to extract edges?
I know only variant in gsql shell
select * from vertexname-(edgename)-vertexname2
But how can I extract edges of different types?
Thank you
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@tigergraphuser my recommendation is using an Accumulator function. Below I’ve used the ListAccum
to “accumulate” edges.
Example 1:
ListAccum <EDGE> @@edgeList;
seed = {vertex.*};
myEdges = SELECT tgt
FROM seed:s-(myEdge:e)-:tgt
ACCUM @@edgeList += e;
PRINT @@edgeList;
If you’re looking to do a combination of edges you could do something like this.
Example 2:
CREATE QUERY getEdges() FOR GRAPH myGraph {
ListAccum <EDGE> @@edgeList1;
ListAccum <EDGE> @@edgeList2;
ListAccum <EDGE> @@edgeList3;
seed1 = {vertex1.*};
seed2 = {vertex2.*};
myEdges1 = SELECT tgt
FROM seed1:s-(myEdge1:e)-:tgt
ACCUM @@edgeList1 += e;
myEdges2 = SELECT tgt
FROM seed1:s-(myEdge2:e)-:tgt
ACCUM @@edgeList2 += e;
myEdges3 = SELECT tgt
FROM seed2:s-(myEdge3:e)-:tgt
ACCUM @@edgeList3 += e;
PRINT @@edgeList1, @@edgeList2, @@edgeList3;
Documentation link to ListAccum
Thank you for your answer. It is a reliable way to use Accumulators for this purpose but if I do not now how many edge types are there in my graph?
With TigerGraph you need to have a schema. With a Schema you should know all the edges that exist.
You could use ANY like you were doing and have a huge edge list of all edges.
Thank you! I’ll try to get the list of all my edges in that way
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