Gsql location stored in backend

a quick question.on creating the graph using UI.

When i create the graph on the UI, where does the schema (vertex/edges) gets stored?

In what location/path on the server?

The schema is stored in an encoded binary - not in plain text.
You can view the schema but not edit in this file : ~/tigergraph/tigergraph/gstore/0/part/config.yaml

The schema is stored in an encoded binary - not in plain text.
You can view the schema but not edit in this file : ~/tigergraph/tigergraph/gstore/0/part/config.yaml

Thank you so much Xinyu and kevin. I looked at both the solutions. I was thinking that i can see the actual schema script (for example, i can extract DDL from RDBMS client tools). to see the “Create Vertex” or “Create Edge” scripts…

When i do the gsql ls, it does not show any Vertex Types or Edge Types… It only shows the Graph… something like this…


  • Graph MyGraph(Employee:v, Salary:v, has:e)


That is not supported. But it is on our road map.

For now, what we can do is to modify the gsql ls print. E.g. replace - with CREATE. and remove WITH STATS=“OUTDEGREE_BY_EDGETYPE”.
