Gsql has NOT been initialized, on azure docker container

Hi I’m trying to run tiger graph in azure docker.

admin is up, but gsql has NOT been initialized

bellow the logs, thank you for your help

Welcome to TigerGraph Developer Edition, for non-commercial use only.

verbose is ON

[RUN ] rm -rf /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/logs/GSQL*.pid

[FAB ][2019-04-25 18:14:06] check_port_of_admin_servers

[] Executing task ‘check_port_of_admin_server’

[localhost] local: ps -eo uname:10,pid,cmd | grep ‘tigergraph.*[g]admin_server.*12471’ | awk ‘{ print $2 }’

On host, no admin server is running.

[localhost] local: /bin/netstat -tulnp | grep LISTEN || true

On host, while starting admin server, port: 12471 is free.

Fabric Cmd Result:{’’: None}

[RUN ] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/.gium/GSQL_LIB/service/…/scripts/ start /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/bin/admin_server/

[RUN ] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/dev/gdk/gsql/gsql_server_util START || :

=== zk ===

[m1 ][ZK][MEM ] {‘5875’: {5875: ‘71.38MiB’}}

[m1 ][ZK][INIT] True

[m1 ][ZK][MSG ] ZooKeeper’s pid 5875, ready

[m1 ][ZK][PROC] True

[m1 ][ZK][CPU ] {‘5875’: {5875: 0.0}}

[SUMMARY][ZK] process is up

[SUMMARY][ZK] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/zk is ready

=== kafka ===

[m1 ][KAFKA][MSG ] Process ID is 5961

[m1 ][KAFKA][INIT] True

[m1 ][KAFKA][PROC] True

[SUMMARY][KAFKA] process is up

[SUMMARY][KAFKA] queue is ready

=== gse ===

[m1 ][GSE][STAT]


[m1 ][GSE][MEM ] {‘ids_worker’: {1113: ‘0’}}

[m1 ][GSE][INIT] False

[m1 ][GSE][MSG ]

— Graph IDS is NOT ready: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/gstore/0/1/ids/graph_config.yaml doesn’t exist.

[m1 ][GSE][PROC] True

[m1 ][GSE][CPU ] {‘ids_worker’: {1113: 0.0}}

[SUMMARY][GSE] process is up

[SUMMARY][GSE] id service has NOT been initialized (not_ready)

=== dict ===

[m1 ][DICT][MSG ] Dict Server is UP, PID 5925

[m1 ][DICT][INIT] True

[m1 ][DICT][PROC] True

[SUMMARY][DICT] process is up

[SUMMARY][DICT] dict server is ready

=== ts3 ===

[m1 ][TS3][MEM ] {‘ts3svc’: {1064: ‘12.89MiB’}, ‘ts3agent’: {1082: ‘13.54MiB’}}

[m1 ][TS3][INIT] True

[m1 ][TS3][MSG ]

[m1 ][TS3][PROC] True

[m1 ][TS3][CPU ] {‘ts3svc’: {1064: 0.0}, ‘ts3agent’: {1082: 0.0}}

[SUMMARY][TS3] process is up

[SUMMARY][TS3] ts3 is ready

=== graph ===

[m1 ][GRAPH][MSG ] Graph was not loaded: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/gstore/0/part/config.yaml doesn’t exist

[m1 ][GRAPH][INIT] False

[INFO ][GRAPH][MSG ] Above vertex and edge counts are for internal use which show approximate topology size of the local graph partition. Use DML to get the correct graph topology information

[SUMMARY][GRAPH] graph has NOT been initialized

=== nginx ===

[m1 ][NGINX][MEM ] {‘nginx’: {1176: ‘0’, 1177: ‘0’, 1178: ‘0’, 1179: ‘0’, 1175: ‘0’}}

[m1 ][NGINX][INIT] True

[m1 ][NGINX][MSG ]

[m1 ][NGINX][PROC] True

[m1 ][NGINX][CPU ] {‘nginx’: {1176: 0.0, 1177: 0.0, 1178: 0.0, 1179: 0.0, 1175: 0.0}}

[SUMMARY][NGINX] process is up

[SUMMARY][NGINX] nginx is ready

=== restpp ===

[m1 ][RESTPP][MEM ] {‘poc_rest_server’: {1209: ‘0’}}

[m1 ][RESTPP][INIT] True

[m1 ][RESTPP][MSG ]

[m1 ][RESTPP][PROC] True

[m1 ][RESTPP][CPU ] {‘poc_rest_server’: {1209: 0.0}}

[SUMMARY][RESTPP] process is up

[SUMMARY][RESTPP] restpp is ready

=== gpe ===

[m1 ][GPE][STAT]


[m1 ][GPE][MEM ] {‘poc_gpe_server’: {1141: ‘0’}}

[m1 ][GPE][INIT] False

[m1 ][GPE][MSG ] Graph was not loaded: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/gstore/0/part/config.yaml doesn’t exist

[m1 ][GPE][PROC] True

[m1 ][GPE][CPU ] {‘poc_gpe_server’: {1141: 0.0}}

[SUMMARY][GPE] process is up

[SUMMARY][GPE] graph has NOT been initialized (not_ready)

=== gsql ===

[m1 ][GSQL][MSG ] GSQL Server is DOWN

[m1 ][GSQL][PROC] False

[SUMMARY][GSQL] process is down

[SUMMARY][GSQL] gsql has NOT been initialized

1296: No such process

=== Visualization ===

[SUMMARY][VIS] process is up (VIS server PID: 6547)

[SUMMARY][VIS] gui server is up

[RUN ] rm -rf ~/.gsql/gstore_gs*_autostart_flag


Hi Rochdi,

It should be a known display issue, which has been fixed in newer version. Meanwhile, “gsql” command should be still usable as usual.

As a temporary fix, you can also apply a workaround via running the following commands:

ps aux | grep "gsql_server\|tmp_gsql" | grep -v grep | sort -n | awk '{print $2}' > /var/tmp/tigergraph/tigergraph/gsql/
gadmin status gsql

Hi and thank you for your help, the gsql command is not usable as you can see bellow even after applying your commands

tigergraph@wk-caas-c272e2e7b48043859e4ae7ba3b42ebfe-c679f5865e53df5fcc7069:/$ gsql
Connection refused.
Please check the status of GSQL server using “gadmin status gsql”.
If it’s down, please start it on server first by “gadmin start gsql”.
If you are on a client machine and haven’t configured the GSQL server IP address yet,
please create a file called gsql_server_ip_config in the same directory as
gsql_client.jar, containing one item: the GSQL server IP, e.g.
Please also make sure the versions of the client and the server are the same.

tigergraph@wk-caas-c272e2e7b48043859e4ae7ba3b42ebfe-c679f5865e53df5fcc7069:/$ gadmin status gsql

Welcome to TigerGraph Developer Edition, for non-commercial use only.
=== gsql ===

[SUMMARY][GSQL] process is down
[SUMMARY][GSQL] gsql has NOT been initialized

Hi Rochdi,

Can you also try a full restart via “gadmin restart”?

Hi Chengbiao,

We change strategy, instead of use azure container we installed a linux server and ran the docker container within the server.

We’ll try later this week the azure container and let you know,

thank you for your support !