Graph Journey creation in Graph Studio


I created Graph Journey to get the GSQL But the Reponses are weird, @@FinalEdgeSet_7, FinalEdgeSet_7=8 then vertex set are coming, is this Local @ accumulator is not possible in this ? I want all profiles for that particular segment and filter the newly date calendar vertex and traverse below both edges and store some of the important attributes which is in calender_spendgroup and calender_visitgroup in the main customer vertexes as a Normal Job which we are doing in GSQL ACCUMULATORS β€œ@” , But Right Now in that only one customer is coming which having largest calendar date from all the peoples of that group, I want all customers with the specific info include which are in calender_visitgroup edge and calender_spend group edge

Hi @pkr2,

What do we mean by newly date calendar vertex? Are we trying to get the newest calendar of each customer in given segment? Or are we trying to get both all customers, and the most recent calender vertex connected to any customer in the group? If it’s the later case, the pattern can be broken into 2 steps and the 2nd step reuses the 1st step like this:



@pkr2 Does the above proposal solve the issue?