You need to use your own unfortunately, as TigerGraph data streaming connectors don’t support non-authenticated AWS buckets. Here is an excerpt of our pyTG docs in JSON form though:
{"url": "", "content": "GDS Functions\nGraph Data Science (GDS) functions perform machine learning tasks such as the following:\nLoading data from a TigerGraph database in batches\nData Loaders\nSplitting vertices into training, test, and validation sets\nData Splitting Functions\nGathering metrics for Graph Neural Network (GNN) predictions\npyTigerGraph GDS Metrics\nInstalling and running Graph Data Science algorithms\nFeaturizer", "links": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}
{"url": "", "content": "Getting Started\nThe Getting Started sequence walks you through the following:\nInstalling pyTigerGraph\nConnecting to TigerGraph\npyTigerGraph 101\nAt the conclusion of the Getting Started sequence, you\u2019ll have reached an excellent starting point for further, more detail-driven activities.", "links": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}
{"url": "", "content": "PyTorch Geometric Transforms\nTemporalPyGTransform\nThe TemporalPyGTransform creates a sequence of subgraph batches out of a single batch of data produced by a NeighborLoader or HGTLoader. It assumes that there are datetime attributes on vertices and edges. If vertex attributes change over time, children vertex attributes are moved to the appropriate parent, and then the children are removed from the graph.\n_init_\n()\ninit\n(vertex_start_attrs: dict, vertex_end_attrs: dict, edge_start_attrs: dict, edge_end_attrs: dict, start_dt: int, end_dt: int, feature_transforms: dict, timestep: int = 86400)\nInstantiate a TemporalPyGTransform.\nParameters:\nvertex_start_attrs (str, dict)\n: If using on a homogeneous graph, string of the attribute storing the timestamp of when a vertex becomes valid to include.\nIf using on a heterogenous graph, dictionary that describes the attribute storing the timestamp of when a vertex becomes a valid vertex to include in the graph.\nIn the format of {\"VERTEX_TYPE\": \"attribute_name\"}.\nvertex_end_attrs (str, dict)\n: If using on a homogeneous graph, string of the attribute storing the timestamp of when a vertex stops being valid to include.\nIf using on a heterogenous graph, dictionary that describes the attribute storing the timestamp of when a vertex stops being a valid vertex to include in the graph.\nIn the format of {\"VERTEX_TYPE\": \"attribute_name\"}\nedge_start_attrs (str, dict)\n: If using on a homogeneous graph, string of the attribute storing the timestamp of when an edge becomes valid to include.\nIf using on a heterogenous graph, dictionary that describes the attribute storing the timestamp of when an edge becomes a valid edge to include in the graph.\nUses the PyG edge format of (\"SourceVertexType\", \"EdgeName\", \"DestinationVertexType\").\nIn the format of {(\"SourceVertexType\", \"EdgeName\", \"DestinationVertexType\"): \"attribute_name\"}.\nedge_end_attrs (str, dict)\n: If using on a homogeneous graph, string of the attribute storing the timestamp of when an edge stops being valid to include.\nIf using on a heterogenous graph, dictionary that describes the attribute storing the timestamp of when an edge stops being a valid edge to include in the graph.\nUses the PyG edge format of (\"SourceVertexType\", \"EdgeName\", \"DestinationVertexType\").\nIn the format of {(\"SourceVertexType\", \"EdgeName\", \"DestinationVertexType\"): \"attribute_name\"}\nstart_dt (int)\n: The UNIX epoch time to start generating the sequence of subgraphs.\nend_dt (int)\n: The UNIX epoch time to stop generating the sequence of subgraphs.\nfeature_transforms (dict, optional)\n: Only available on heterogeneous graphs. Moves temporally dynamic features from \"children\" vertices to \"parent\" vertices when\nmodelling temporal attributes in TigerGraph.\nThe key of the dictionary is the edge to move the attributes from the child type to the parent type, and the value is a list of attributes to move.\nIn the fromat of {(\"ItemInstance\", \"reverse_DESCRIBED_BY\", \"Item\"): [\"x\"]}\ntimestep (int, optional)\n: The number of seconds to use in between timesteps. Defaults to 86400 seconds (1 day).\ncall\n()\ncall\n(data) \u2192 list\nPerform the transform. Returns a list of PyTorch Geometric data objects, a sequence of snapshots in time of the graph.\nEdges are removed between vertices that do not have connections at the given time. All vertices are in each snapshot, but are marked\nas present with the \"vertex_present\" attribute in the produced data objects.\nParameter:\ndata ( or\n: Takes in a PyTorch Geometric data object, such as ones produced by the dataloaders.", "links": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}
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