Failed to convert user vertex id for parameter p

I am facing a strange issue here. I have a vertex “phone” with below structure.

CREATE VERTEX phone (PRIMARY_ID phone_num STRING, imei STRING, imsi STRING, operator STRING)

and a query segment

CREATE QUERY getUserContacts(VERTEX p , DATETIME begin_time, DATETIME end_time, BOOL include_received, UINT n) FOR GRAPH G1{

SetAccum<EDGE> @@edge_set;

SetAccum<VERTEX<phone>> @@contact_phones;

OrAccum @visited;

#VERTEX person;


start = {p};


when i try to execute the query i get error “Failed to convert user vertex id for parameter p”. I am very much blank on this as to what could be causing this issue.

in the explore graph, when i try to search for a phone number, i could successfully do so by putting a phone # though.

Appreciate your help.


Hi Khan,

Could you please provide your version?

Also could you please show us how you run the query and how you looked up the phone number from graph studio?


Hi Chang,

The “+” sign in the phone number was problematic. When i removed it and loaded the data again, it worked fine. I am using 2.3 version by the way.


Hi Khan,

The + is a known issue that is fixed in our 2.5 release.

