I am facing a strange issue here. I have a vertex “phone” with below structure.
CREATE VERTEX phone (PRIMARY_ID phone_num STRING, imei STRING, imsi STRING, operator STRING)
and a query segment
CREATE QUERY getUserContacts(VERTEX p , DATETIME begin_time, DATETIME end_time, BOOL include_received, UINT n) FOR GRAPH G1{
SetAccum<EDGE> @@edge_set;
SetAccum<VERTEX<phone>> @@contact_phones;
OrAccum @visited;
#VERTEX person;
start = {p};
when i try to execute the query i get error “Failed to convert user vertex id for parameter p”. I am very much blank on this as to what could be causing this issue.
in the explore graph, when i try to search for a phone number, i could successfully do so by putting a phone # though.
Appreciate your help.