Hi All,
I am facing problems with accessing edges attributions when using syntax v2.
More specifically. I have a graph with nothing but company vertex and link edges.
link edges has “date” attribution with a DateTime.
the following query needs to print (in the future return) the edge date in case it exists.
I am getting “the alias can not be determined” for some reason.
Does anyone know what to do?
The code:
CREATE QUERY get_link_values(VERTEX c1, VERTEX c2) FOR GRAPH test_graph syntax v2{
ListAccum @@dt;
src = {c1};
tgt = {c2};
Res = SELECT s
FROM src:s-((LINK>):e)-tgt
@@dt += e.date
- I tries variables rather than accum and it didn’t change a thing
- I tried using e.getattr() function, that didn’t work either