When I run the gsql command SHOW QUERY <query name>
I get the output back with leading space eliminated from all lines, so that all of the indentation is lost. Is there a way to get back the query as it was saved?
Maybe try another editor/terminal? I am using VSCode and my output correctly preserves indentation.
It could also be the case that your original query has improper indentation in the first place.
@Leo_Shestakov are you using the TigerGraph_CLI tool with VSCode to get the GSQL >
No, I am just using the standard terminal with the previous command being “gsql”
@rupen you could run this EXPORT GRAPH ALL -T
command reads the data and metadata for all graphs in the TigerGraph system and writes the information to a zip file in the designated folder. If no options are specified, then a full backup is performed, including schema, data, template information, and user profiles.
Required privilege
The export directory should be empty before running the command because all contents are zipped and compressed.
Parameter | Description |
directory_name |
The path of the directory to output export files to. Must be an absolute path. |
Option | Description |
-S or --SCHEMA |
Only export graph schema. |
Only export graph schema, queries, loading jobs and UDFs. |
-D or --DATA
Must be used with either -S or -T . Export data in CSV in addition to graph schema or template. |
-U or --Users
Must be used with either -S or -T . Export users, role assginments, secrets, and tokens. |
-P or - -Password
Encrypt the exported file with a password. Users will be prompted to enter a password when using this option. |
@Leo_Shestakov The original query has the correct indentation as I can see it on “Graph Studio”.
I am using the gsql function for the connection object of the python library pyTigergraph. Python 3.7.0, (pyTigerGraph==
@Jon_Herke The “export graph all” is creating the exported files on the TigerGraph server, I don’t know if there is a way to access it when it is hosted on TG Could.
@rupen since you’re using pyTigerGraph, please try the following :
USE GRAPH <graphname>
conn.gsql("SHOW QUERY <QUERY_NAME>",graph="<GRAPH_NAME>")
or simply define the graph before gsql command
conn.graphname = "<YOUR_GRAPH>"
conn.gsql("SHOW QUERY <QUERY_NAME>")
these are the three ways you can do using pyTigerGraph, hope that helps
@Mohamed_Zrouga That is exactly what I am doing, but the output is stripped of leading spaces for all lines returned.
graph_name = 'MyGraph'
query_name = 'most_common_mutual_liked_post'
results = conn.gsql(f"""
USE GRAPH {graph_name}
SHOW QUERY {query_name}
""", graphname=graph_name)
#### Output
Using graph 'MyGraph'
CREATE QUERY most_common_mutual_liked_post(VERTEX<Post> inPost, INT maxReturn) FOR GRAPH MyGraph SYNTAX v2 {
TYPEDEF tuple<STRING post, INT likes> frequency;
// Find the posts most liked by the group of people who liked the input post
HeapAccum<frequency>(maxReturn, likes DESC) @@topTestResults;
SumAccum<INT> @likes;
post = {inPost};
ml = SELECT op FROM post - (<liked) - Person - (liked>) - Post:op
op.@likes += 1
@@topTestResults += frequency(op.id, op.@likes);
PRINT @@topTestResults;