Display based on attribute on GraphStudio

Hi there,

When using GraphStudio, can I change the color (size) of the vertex based on an attribute? e.g. in social graph, display male using blue circle, female using red circle?


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Hi @John_Chen! Yes you can change the sizes and icons. If you really want to get fancy you can add custom icons, but you need access to the backend server.

In Graph Studio (Explore Graph)
To find the settings button: https://docs.tigergraph.com/ui/graphstudio/explore-graph#TigerGraphGraphStudioUIGuide-ChangeSettings

To modify graph attributes (Size & Color) checkout this guide: https://docs.tigergraph.com/ui/graphstudio/explore-graph#augment-graph-vis-result

In Design Schema
To change icons: https://docs.tigergraph.com/ui/graphstudio/design-schema#TigerGraphGraphStudioUIGuide-EditVertexOrEdgeType

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Great! Thanks Jon, I’ll experiment with it.