Count # of edges from a vertex?

Very new to gsql, trying to simply count the number of edges created per vertex and then sort out only the vertexes with > N edges. Seems like this should be very simple to do so I’m unsure why I can’t figure it out.

CREATE QUERY Select_Callers(vertex<Customer> inputCustomer) FOR GRAPH MyGraph { 
	Start = {inputCustomer};
	InterestingCust = SELECT s FROM Start:s-(Makes_Call:e)-CallsVertex:t
	                                    HAVING Count (CallsVertex) > 10; 
  PRINT InterestingCust; 

Highlighted section is how my brain thinks I should do it.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Rawr,

Please see if outdegree function can solve your problem.


CREATE QUERY Select_Callers(vertex<Customer> inputCustomer) FOR GRAPH MyGraph {  

SetAccum<vertex> @custcount;

int callcount;

Start = {inputCustomer};

InterestingCust = SELECT s 

FROM Start:s-(Makes_Call:e)-CallsVertex:t

Accum callcount = Start.outdegree();

  PRINT callcount; 

That worked to display the outdegree of a vertex but it has me enter in the ID of a single customer, whereas I’d like it to go through the whole set and later filter it out to only results >N presumably using a HAVING clause.