I have a network of vertices Transaction
connected undirectly to one another via other vertices. I would like to calculate the shortest path length from a Source Transaction
vertex to all other Transaction
vertices having the same attribute id
. This is the query:
CREATE QUERY tg_shortest_ss_no_wt (VERTEX source, SET<STRING> v_type, SET<STRING> e_type) RETURNS (ListAccum<INT>) {
MinAccum<INT> @min_dis;
OrAccum @or_visited;
ListAccum<INT> @@result;
##### Initialization #####
Source = {source};
Source = SELECT s
FROM Source:s
ACCUM s.@or_visited += true,
s.@min_dis = 0;
ResultSet = {};
##### Calculate distances #####
WHILE(Source.size()>0) DO
Source = SELECT t
FROM Source:s -(e_type:e)-> v_type:t
WHERE t.@or_visited == false AND t.id == s.id
ACCUM t.@min_dis += s.@min_dis + 1,
t.@or_visited += true
ORDER BY getvid(t);
ResultSet = ResultSet UNION Source;
##### Show result only for Transaction nodes and modify shortest lengths #####
ResultSet = SELECT s
FROM ResultSet:s
WHERE s.type == "Transaction"
ACCUM @@result += s.@min_dis/2;
RETURN @@result;
The problem is that the query calculates the shortest path length from the Source Transaction
vertex to not only other Transaction
vertices but also all other vertices, which makes the query very slow. Does anyone know how to make the query not calculate the shortest path length to vertices which are not Transaction
? Thank you very much.