I’m unable to create a token using Python package to connect to my cloud instance of AWS or Azure that I just created today (6/25/2022).
I installed a new (blank) instance of TigerGraph Cloud server 3.6.0. I’m using the latest version of pyTigerGraph 0.9.1 with pyTigerDriver 1.0.14.
I have setup my connection (see below) to use port 443 per the instructions:
- Use API endpoint
for RESTPP endpoints that were on port 9000 - Use API endpoint
for endpoints that were on port 14240
I’m able to create a Secret = j7*5 just fine. However, when I pass the secret to getToken() I receive the following error: “Error: TigerGraphException(‘Route /requesttoken not found.’, None)”
self._conn = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host = self.host,
gsPort = "443",
restppPort = "443",
graphname = self.graphName,
username = self.userName,
password = self._passWord,
version = self.version)
All of my python code worked just fine before the port changes. Any insights on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, I tried to create a token using the command line curl and received the following same error message: {“error”:true,“message”:“Route /requesttoken?secret=5n6qhn7cf5cfur4b3141k85jdd6kq283\u0026lifetime=None not found.”,“results”:{}}