Cannot publish schema - Error: services not ready

I have a new docker image created using these instructions:

When I create a new graph with one vertex with only a few attributes, I always get this error when attempting to publish the schema:

Successfully created schema change jobs: [local_schema_change_1241423406]. The job local_schema_change_1241423406 is created. Kick off schema change job local_schema_change_1241423406 Doing schema change on graph ‘MyGraph’ (current version: 0) Trying to add local vertex ‘Patient’ to the graph ‘MyGraph’. Schema change failed due to services not ready.

Its the first graph in the tg server and global has no vertices yet.

Its unfortunate that I had time this week to work on TG, but have not been able to get far due to a string of issues. Can someone kindly respond so some of these posts?

Thank you.

I am also facing the same issue, did you get any solution?

No. I ended up giving up on this. Could not find help.

@ranojitsingh @ranojitsingh I’ve seen this before and it’s usually caused by the GSE (GraphStorageEngine) is not online. Can you run a gadminstatus to confirm all services are currently running?

If GSE is down you can run gadmin start GSE or if multiple services aren’t online you can run gadmin start all

The last thing I could think of is maybe increasing the ServiceOnlineTimeout to 120 seconds by running the following command gadmin config GSQL.WaitServiceOnlineTimeoutSec

Thank you for your response!.

yes I ran “gadmin start all” and checked " gadminstatus", but GSE and GPE services status is down always. I also tried command “gadmin start GSE”, however its still showing GSE services status is down down. Any other way to get it up and running?

@ gpadvorac : please follow the solution mentioned in below link. It solved the error I was getting.