Alternative to ANY

It’s currently not possible to use ANY (or _) to specify arbitrary types, is there an alternative to querying all nodes?
Actually surprising difficult in general to find info about the most basic query types.

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@Swa Just tested ANY. You mentioned ANY is not working. Can you test the same query? You might need to change the graph name Here is the sample query I tested:

CREATE QUERY allGraph(/* Parameters here */) FOR GRAPH MyGraph {  
//  Show it all, including attributes!
  ListAccum <EDGE> @@allE;
  G = {ANY};
  G2 = SELECT s FROM G:s-(:e)->:t 
	ACCUM @@allE += e
	HAVING 1==0;
  PRINT G, @@allE;

Misleading docs, when I use this query

CREATE QUERY allGraph() FOR GRAPH People {  
  G = ANY;
  stuff = SELECT s FROM G:s;
  PRINT stuff;

the output is:

Unsupported feature in query : line 3, col 2
The feature is not supported yet in interpreted mode query.
Please contact for more details.

Which is also what one can read in the docs.

Anyhow, thanks for the swift response Jon :+1:

@Swa I’ll relay this information to the documentation team. Thanks for the find!

Hi @Swa , thanks for reporting this issue. I’ve clarified that the limitations on the page “Interpreted GSQL Limitations” only apply to interpreted GSQL queries.

To use the features detailed in the list of limitations, you can install the query and then run it.

Please let us know if there’s anything other clarifications we can make to make this less confusing. :smiley: