I am a beginner level 0 with GSQL/TigerGraph and I am trying to follow the GSQL101 tutorial in GraphStudio. https://docs.tigergraph.com/intro/gsql-101/built-in-select-queries
In the tutorial the queries are supposed to be run on GSQL Shell that we don’t have in GraphStudio.
Whereas, I am trying to convert the Query in a CREATE QUERY in GraphStudio. I
don’t understand why "SELECT count() FROM person" shows up an error about count().
CREATE QUERY test() FOR GRAPH social {
Result = SELECT count(*) FROM person
PRINT Result;
Could you please explain me the difference between the Queries that can be made in GSQL Shell & the ones in GraphStudio ?
Thank you for your help.
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Going back to the count query you could do the following using a SumAccum. Accumulators are pretty powerful feature that you can use to do some complex logic. For more information on them, I would check out https://docs.tigergraph.com/intro/accumulators-tutorial#what-is-an-accumulator
CREATE QUERY test() FOR GRAPH social {
SumAccum @@vertexCNT;
start= {person.*};
find = SELECT v FROM start:v
ACCUM @@vertexCNT += 1;
PRINT @@vertexCNT;