About the Getting-Started-With-TG category

New to TigerGraph? Check out the resources below! If you get stuck or have any questions, post your questions under this category.

Graph Fundamentals
This course is designed for people who are new to graph database and graph-based analytics. There are four modules that are designed to take you from a graph newbie to being fluent in the concepts, capabilities and use cases of a native parallel graph database.

:cinema: Introduction to Graph Database and Analytics
:cinema: Managing Relationships - Relational, NoSQL and Graph Databases
:cinema: Evolution of Graph Databases
:cinema: Seven Key Data Science Capabilities of Native Parallel Database

Intro to Cloud
:page_with_curl: How to Deploy a TigerCloud Instance

Intro to GSQL
:page_with_curl: Query writing best practices
:page_with_curl: Schema design best practices
:cinema: Graph Schema
:cinema: Data Loading
:cinema: Graph Inspection Language
:cinema: Basic GSQL
:cinema: Advanced GSQL (Accumulators)
:cinema: Deep Link Query in GSQL