Pre-installation Error

Hey Group,

              I tried to download TigerGraph It went pretty well but i've stuck here and its unable to know what error is it, could anyone please go through this. And suggest me the best what should be done.

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine ubuntu .

The native API dll was not found (C:\Windows\system32\WinHvPlatform.dll) (VERR_NEM_NOT_AVAILABLE).

VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX).

Hi Anil,
Please double check the BIOS and windows settings:
a. Virtualization is enabled in the BIOS
b. Hyper-V virtualization is not enabled in Windows (Turn Windows features on or off)


Hi Chengbiao,

Thank you so much it did work, i appreciate your help.