How to return a list of edges

The following query returns 3 vertexes (Rounds) and I’m trying to figure out how to also return a list of edges (Concept2Round) from the variable @@edgeSet.

CREATE QUERY GetConceptRoundsWithAccum(vertex inputConcept) FOR GRAPH MyGraph {

ListAccum<edge> @@edgeSet;
Start = {inputConcept};	

Rounds = SELECT t FROM Start:s-(Concept2Round:e)-Round:t;

PRINT Rounds;
PRINT @@edgeSet;

Can someone please show how this would be done?
Thank you.

Yes, you’d do it in the ACCUM clause. Something like:

Rounds = SELECT t FROM Start:s-(Concept2Round:e)-Round:t
 ACCUM @@edgeSet += e;

Thank you, Richard. That was not intuitive to me and all other examples I found were not so simple.