How to Create Loading job from dataframe

How to Create Loading job from dataframe?

What are the contents of the dataframe. You can write a custom python code to generate the loading job. All you need is the list of vertex/edge attributes and may be some customization for map type of attributes.

@atulparihar You can achieve this using the Upsert Vertex & Upsert Edge Functions in pyTigerGraph. Vertex Functions :: pyTigerGraph

Note: it’s been about 17 months since i’ve last used the feature myself, but at that time I did notice the upserting speed wasn’t as fast as using the loading job function in pyTigerGraph.

Example of the code I wrote at that time:

Hope this helps!

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Do you have over all schema for the same? is it form single source this dataframe are creating?

The notebook a bit old but you can find all the code here in this GitHub repository :point_down:

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