Error: no type can be inferred

Hi! I’m trying to create a query to fetch the nested list of employees in the org hierarchy under a given employee. Below is the query:

CREATE DISTRIBUTED QUERY Fetch_Reportees_Hierarchy(VERTEX<EMPLOYEE> emplyee) FOR GRAPH employee_manager_hierarchy { 
   TYPEDEF TUPLE <VERTEX<EMPLOYEE> employee> employee_node;
  MapAccum<STRING, employee_node> @@reportee_hierarchy;
 BOOL isLeafNode = false;
  mgr (EMPLOYEE) = {emplyee};
  WHILE isLeafNode == false DO
  SetAccum<VERTEX<EMPLOYEE>> @employees = (mgr); 
    IF mgr.@employees.size() > 0 THEN
      FOREACH  m in mgr.@employees DO
          mgr (ANY) = {m};
         COMP = SELECT rep FROM EMPLOYEE:rep  - (REPORTS_TO>:e) - mgr
          ACCUM @@reportee_hierarchy += (rep.managerLevel -> employee_node(rep))
            rep.@employee += rep.employeeId;
      isLeafNode = true;

However, facing an error saying
(14, 12) Error: no type can be inferred for rep.@employees += rep.employeeId

Here, ‘employeeId’ is the primary ID for the vertex, ‘EMPLOYEE’. And the directed edge ‘REPORTS_TO’ signifies the reporting relationship between employees.

Please help on resolving this issue

Hi - it appears to me that you have answered your own question. employeeId is the primary ID for the vertex, and is therefore an attribute of a vertex, not a vertex. But you seem to be trying to put an attribute into a set of vertexes. Also, there are typos in your example, since you refer to an accumulator of @employee and @employees - there are better examples of queries that handle nested hierarchies in the TigerGraph sample queries


Got this working! Here is the updated query:

CREATE DISTRIBUTED QUERY Fetch_Reportees_Hierarchy(VERTEX<EMPLOYEE> emplyee) FOR GRAPH employee_manager_hierarchy { 
  TYPEDEF TUPLE <VERTEX<EMPLOYEE> employee> employee_node;
  SetAccum<VERTEX<EMPLOYEE>> @@reportee_hierarchy; 
  SetAccum<VERTEX<EMPLOYEE>> @@temp_reportee_hierarchy; 
  SetAccum<reports_to_edge> @@reports_to_edges;
  SetAccum<reports_to_edge> @@temp_reports_to_edges;
  seed_set = {emplyee};
  BOOL isLeafNode = false;
  WHILE isLeafNode == false DO
    comp = SELECT reportee FROM EMPLOYEE:reportee -(REPORTS_TO>:e)- seed_set:s
            ACCUM @@temp_reportee_hierarchy += reportee, 
                  @@temp_reports_to_edges += reports_to_edge(e);
    IF @@temp_reportee_hierarchy.size() == 0 THEN
        isLeafNode = true;
      seed_set =  @@temp_reportee_hierarchy;
      @@reportee_hierarchy += @@temp_reportee_hierarchy;
      @@reports_to_edges += @@temp_reports_to_edges;
  PRINT @@reportee_hierarchy;
  PRINT @@reports_to_edges;

Please let me know if this can be improved in any way

Looks good - you could remove the TYPEDEF for employee_node since it appears that you are not using it