ACCUMULATOR NOT RESULT IN RIGHT SUM in case of repeated edges

Hi TigerGraph teams,

I got a problem when trying to sum multiple transaction data in GSQL.

The data from RDB:

But when I write the query like this, the accumulation result is only sum of 1 transaction only. (3k in totalTransinAMT)

How can I get the right TranInAmt of over 2e6

Thank for your helps.

Query and output in the picture

You are missing the details of the query, such as the declaration of the ACCUM @totalTransinAMT

Show the entire query and the details of the vertex attributes and the edges

This is the detail of query

This is how schema was define, quite simple. 1 Vertex and 1 edge

This is how vertex was defined.

This is how data was mapped

I will let others chime in, but I believe the issue is that you cannot have multiple edges of the same type between the same two source and target vertexes.

So this may be an instance where you want the transfer to be a vertex rather than an edge.