Why doesn't TigerGraph support an edge accumulator

I tested the demo a1 = SELECT s FROM Bus:s -(BRANCH:e)- Bus:t ACCUM e.@y += 1;
but it prompts :
Accumulators cannot be attached to the edge variable 'e'.

Because I need an edge accumulator to do my calculations, and I think it’s pretty common to use an edge accumulator

I would like to know what is the reason for not adding this function

@kwonder When you initialize your ACCUM you will want to specify EDGE if you’re accumulating edges. See example below.

CREATE QUERY userPosts2() FOR GRAPH socialNet {
  ListAccum<VERTEX> @personPosts;
  ListAccum<EDGE> @personLikedInfo;
  start = {person.*};

  # Find all user post topics and append them to the vertex list accum
  userPostings = SELECT s FROM start:s -(posted)-> :g
                 ACCUM s.@personPosts += g;

  userPostings = SELECT s from start:s -(liked:e)-> :g
                 ACCUM s.@personLikedInfo += e;

  PRINT start;

EDGE ACCUM Documentation Example

@Jon_Herke Thank you for your reply promptly!
Maybe because my mother tongue is not English, the problem is not clearly described.
What I really want to say is that the local accumulator can not be used on the edge, I wonder if there is any good solution
But your reply also gives me some inspiration. Thank you very much

Incidentally, I noticed that TigerGraph3.5 has been released, however I haven’t seen the update log yet